Saturday 16 February 2013

Bird-watching Paradise (Konkan)

Birds Found near Atithi Parinay, Homestay, during camp of  'Ecological society of Pune', Maharashtra, India

1. Crested hawk eagle
2. Crested serpent eagle

3. Golden fronted leaf bird

4.  Rufus woodpecker
5.  Large cuckoo shrike
6. Black napped monarch
7. Tree pie


  8. Common Lora

9. Plum headed parakeet
10. Black hooded oriole
11. Magpie robin
12. Black drongo
13. Red vented bulbul
14. Red whiskered bulbul

   15. Black bulbul

16. White browed bulbul
17. Asian paradise flycatcher
18. White browed fantail flycatcher
19. Brown headed barbet
20. Coppersmith barbet
21. White cheeked barbet
22. Shikra
23. Small minivet
24. Spotted dove


  25. Red-rumped Swallow 

26. Laughing dove     
27. Imperial pigeon
28. White breasted kingfisher
29. Asian koyal
30. Greater flame back woodpecker
31.  Spotted munia
32.  Black headed munia
33.  Spotted owlet
34.  Purple sunbird
35. Purple rumped sunbird
36. Tickle’s flower pecker

    37. Green bee-eater

38. Jungle babbler
39.  Lorikeet
40.  White breasted water hen
41.  Crow pheasant
42.  Jungle crow
43.  House crow
44.  Brahminy myna
45.  Long tailed shrike
46.  Tailor bird
47.  Ashy wren warbler
48.  Grey wagtail
49. Rose ringed parakeet


         50.  Hoopoe

51.  sea eagle
52.  sea gulls
53.  black headed munia


54.  Asian paradise –flycatcher

  55.  Indian roller

56. Indian Pitta

57.  purple sunbird
58.  crimson sunbird
59.  hornbill
60.  Kestrel

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